Feature Films
(supporting - Eli) David and Goliath Fallen State Productions (U.S.), Dir: Tim Chey
(lead) Twirlywoos Series 2 - BBC (Ragdoll Productions), Dir: Dirk Campbell
(joint lead - Government official) ITV - Saturday Night Takeaway, Dir: Paul Mackay
(lead - John) Wintree - (CH4 pilot - Comedy Blaps), Red Robin Media, Dir: Thomas Goddard
(joint lead – Peter) Twirlywoos Series 1 - BBC (Ragdoll Productions), Dir: Dirk Campbell
(lead – Vijay Malhotra) My Dear Uncle, Aim High Productions, Dir: Shiraz Khan)
(joint lead – Erik) Gouda (Dutch TV pilot), Undercurrent Brands, Dir: John Vallis
(supporting - Johnson) Black Ops, Discovery Channel (and Yesterday) by World Media Rights
(supporting - Peter) UFO Europe, National Geographic Channel by Pioneer Productions
Short Films
(lead - Avinash) - Love on the Line, Dir: Terrence Addo-Mills
(supporting) - Alexander the Great, Dir: Megan Horvath
(joint lead) - Felix Nyctophobia, Dir: Andrew Loveridge
(supporting) - Abdullah Asylum, Dir: Nic Ferguson Lee
(lead - Brad) Love is Pain, A M Media, Dir: Terrence Addo-Mills
(lead - David) The Night Walker, Mica Films, Dir: Mike Hallet
(lead - Paulo) Lucid Trails, Dir: Lee Thorneycroft
(lead - Henry) The night that would not end, Dir: Shadi Qudsi
(joint lead - John) Buskered, Dir: Bartosz Dzidowski
(School Teacher) BT, Michon Creative, Dir: John Clemmit x
(Scientist) Nurofen, Kode Media, Dir: Nick Bartleet x
(Affluent Neighbour) Mick George, Affixxius Films, Dir: Ryan Moore x
(Doctor) Sandoz, Minikin Media, Dir: Lico Ronsales x
(Employee) Swinton Insurance, BJL, Dir: Richard Pearson x
(Father) Dixons Christmas Campaign, Hangar Seven, Dir: Mike Pheasant
(Customer) Caesar's Entertainment, Law Creative, Dir: Keith Sammels
(Affluent Buyer) Jaguar Land Rover cars, Production Factory, Dir: Casey Henessey
(Affluent Executive) TD Waterhouse, Paradigm Creative, Dir: James Fuller
(European) European Lung Foundation, Uber Agency, Lyndsey Williams
(Supporting - Business Exec) Elephant in the Room, ( – Jons Creative, Dir: Jake Russell
(Lead - Mentor) Addicts Group,, Dir: Simone Mascagni
Model - (Police Officer) Riots Poster Campaign, Curtis and Strong Studios, Dir: Claire Curtis
(Henry Barrow) Anne Boleyn, Lace Mkt Theatre, Dir: Gordon Parsons
(James Bond) Opening Ceremony, myself, Dir: myself
Voice Overs
Radio (DJ Presenter) Wintree Bournemouth Uni Radio, Dir: Josh Phillips
Radio (Mr Fanshaw and Arthur) The King of Rome, Cornucopia Radio, Dir: Peter Beeston
(lead - Narrator) True Story, Dir: Sophie Cook
(lead - Gareth) Rise of the Departed, Audiobook , Dir: Alex Goulding
(Fadil) Piranha, Crimson Black, Dir: Elcid Asaei
(Fahid) Helen Bamber Foundation, Fortune Films , Dir: Noelle
(joint - Lead) Inland Heroes, Webvideos Ltd, Dir: Tai Campbell
(Lead - Engineer) BAE Systems Chairmans Awards 2013, Dir: Daniel May Creative
(commuter) Schindler NSC Creative, Dir: Aaron Bradbury
(Lead - Mr Haus) Long Introduction, Dir: Oliver Smyth